New Poem: Espoused to Littleness

I wrote this poem a couple months ago and found it again when I reopened the document to type in some more recent ones. I wanted to share it, this gesture toward the beautiful encounter and union that God thirsts for between his greatness and our littleness. Espoused to Littleness

New Poem: XII. Who Do You Say That I Am

In this reflection, we accompany Simon Peter from his first encounter with Christ through the last supper, seeing how he is drawn into the orbit of the Lord’s Love and entrusted with the office of shepherd of souls. XII. Who Do You Say That I Am?

X. Annunciation

Here is a reflection on the mystery of the annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary, and her conception of Christ by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. May she fashion in our hearts the same childlike trust, docility, and receptivity, the same spousal intimacy, the same fruitful love. The Read more…

IX. The Heart of the Church

Here is part 9. I wrote it a week or two ago, and on rereading it yesterday, I found it surprising how deeply relevant it is for what has been occurring in the media over the last week. Indeed, all that I have been reflecting on concerning the “Marian” and Read more…