From past to flee, the future to fabricate,

and the present moment to skim,

like the pages of a book.


This is a temptation born of our fear and our sin,

to live in the in-between that doesn’t even exist,

product of our own mind and imagination.


But the fullness lives now, each moment indwelling.

Strands of the past are woven in, beyond our comprehension,

by the weaving-work of the wonderful Weaver of tales.


And the future too is born from this,

in ways both unexpected and beautiful,

as currents deeper than our knowledge or foresight

arise at last to sight, and sing, liberated by love.


Grace lies here, in the present fullness, given.

And the past lives too, not in regret, nor in nostalgia,

in wish-it-were’s or wish-it-were-not’s,

but in the ever-living fullness of God’s presence to all time.


Sin washed away, grace enduring and upheld,

fostered like a seed, and sprouting,

abiding forever in the presence of the Forever One.


Surging currents from past to future,

stopping now, in this instant, without ceasing,

for Eternity is here now, intersecting, communicating,

while stretching out the warmth of embrace to past and future,

seen, known, and loved by him for whom all is Now.