I’ve added part 7 of the drama, which, as a whole, I’ve entitled “Perichoresis.” This is a Greek word which refers to the “eternal dance” between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–to their complete mutual self-giving in love, which allows them to truly live within one another in the most astounding intimacy. There is a page in the poetry section which has all the reflections I’ve added so far together: “Perichoresis: A Drama.” In part 8 we will dive into salvation history in this world–very summarily–and quickly come to redemption.

VII. The Gift Always Given and Always Received

Categories: Poetry


I know that your heart yearns, little one, to create something beautiful, a testament of love, a reflection, in the dimness of this world, of the radiant beauty of my own eternal light. I know the longing within to give birth without, the desire to create, sharing in eternal creativity. I want you to know, beloved, and to feel that the greatest masterpiece which I desire for you is the unspeakable beauty which is you yourself. You, the one whom I infinitely love, are the icon, transparent to my shining glory, enfolded in my grace, a blaze of fiery light bursting through the eyes, a figure whose countenance, whose heart, whose life is a reflection of the life, the heart, the face which is my own.