Heavenly Father, I abide before you in this time,
reposing against the breast of Christ, your Son.
In him, I know that I am
united to all of my brothers and sisters,
for he lovingly bears all of us within himself.
I know that the love of which I drink,
flowing from his compassionate Heart,
seeks to pour out also into the heart of every person.
And so I place myself more deeply within his arms:
to share in his own filial intimacy with you, in the Spirit,
to share in his own priestly prayer for all of your children,
to share in his spousal love for every person,
to share, Father, in your own paternal charity,
burning with the fire of your own tender compassion.
And so, I pray now, most good and loving Father:

For all of your children throughout the world…Draw us to your Heart.
For all the members of the Church…
For the unity of all Christians…
For Israel, your chosen people…Draw them to your Heart.
For the Muslim people…
For the people of the Hindus…
For those who have a false image of you
or of your holy Church…
For those who do not yet believe in you…
For those who do not believe in Christ…
For those who have not found your Church…
For those who are seeking your face…

For the healing of all your broken children,
physically and spiritually…Pour out your healing, saving grace.
For those who suffer from cancer or any terminal illness…
For those who suffer from chronic pain or poor health…
For those who suffer from a broken marriage…
For those who suffer from any kind of broken relationships…
For those who suffer from a sense of not belonging…
For those who suffer injustices and struggle to forgive…
For those who suffer persecution, especially in the Middle East…
For those who suffer the effects of war or violence…

For those who struggle to live in love…Guide, hand in hand.
For those who struggle against the pull of a world
of luxury and ease…
For those who struggle with possessiveness of material things…
For those who struggle with chastity of mind, heart, and body…
For those who struggle to accept your love in their life…
For those who struggle to find the beauty and joy in their path…
For those who struggle to remain faithful to your call…
For those who struggle for justice and peace…
For those who struggle to make a living
for themselves and their families…

For those who are poor and for the homeless…Show the abundance of your love.
For those who are hungry or starving…
For those who are forgotten and abandoned…
For those who thirst for love they don’t receive…
For those who feel naked and defenseless before evil…
For those who are imprisoned…
For those who are hospitalized…
For those who are dying…
For those who have already died…
For those who grieve the loss of a beloved…
For those who fear death…

For those who seek to follow you, hand in hand…Enfold within your grace.
For those who seek to draw closer to you in love…
For those who seek to live and love in integrity,
before you and before all…
For those who seek healthy and meaningful relationships…
For those who seek their vocation in life…
For those who seek the sanctuary of childhood,
perhaps without knowing it…
For those who seek without seeking…
For those who seek by fleeing from your face…
For those who seek a deeper life of prayer,
and for those who do not…

For those who have received the beautiful gift of marriage…Bestow the fullness of your life and joy, radiating freely.
For those who have embraced a life of consecration to you…
For those who have embraced the call
to priesthood or diaconate…
For those whom you are inviting to a vocation in the Church…
For those whom you desire to call
to a life of prayer and contemplation…
For those who live in the silence of solitude…
For the bishops of the world,
and especially the bishop of our local Church…
For the pope and all who work with him…
For the leaders of governments and all in political office…

For all men,
that they may become spiritual leaders in the family…Show the tenderness and beauty of your fatherhood.
For all women,
that they may experience the cherishing love that they desire…
For all men,
that they may find the purity for which they were made…
For all women,
that they may experience the healing, life-giving power of love…
For all men,
that they may know the cherishing love that they desire…
For all women,
that they may find the purity for which they were made…
For all men,
that they may experience the healing, life-giving power of love…
For your sons and daughters, Father,
that they may rejoice to be your children…
For your sons and daughters,
that they may find their hearts blossoming in love…
For your sons and daughters,
that they may rejoice in the fruitfulness of your gift…

For those who walk in the darkness of error…Pour out the radiance of your light.
For those who walk in the darkness of misunderstanding…
For those who walk in the darkness of self-hatred…
For those who walk in the darkness of loneliness and isolation…
For those who walk in the darkness of superficiality…
For those who walk in the darkness of sinful fragmentation…
For those who walk in the darkness of complacency and pride…
For those who walk in the darkness of comfort
and forgetfulness of others…
For those who walk in the darkness of infidelity…

For those who are enslaved to sinful habits…Grant the liberty of the children of God.
For those who are enslaved to addiction to drugs…
For those who are enslaved to alcohol…
For those who are enslaved to pornography or impurity of life…
For those who are enslaved to work and achievement…
For those who are enslaved to money or things…
For those who are enslaved to sloth or gluttony…
For those who are enslaved to the superficiality of our world…
For those who are enslaved to the relativism of our culture…
For those who are enslaved to technology or social media…
For those who are enslaved to video games or virtual reality…
For those who are enslaved to fear of any kind…

For those whose sacred mystery is profaned…Embrace and heal within the spousal love of your Son.
For those who are viewed as an object by others…
For those who are in the pornography industry…
For those who live as prostitutes…
For those who use others for their own gain or pleasure…
For those who are so used…
For those whose lives are threatened by the culture of death…
For those who find themselves failing every day…
For those who are discouraged by life…

For those who are burdened by a sense of shame and regret…Console with your Spirit, granting perfect peace.
For those who are burdened by unconfessed sin…
For those who are burdened by abuse of past or present…
For those who are burdened by uncertainty and fear…
For those who are burdened by mental illness of any kind…
For those who are burdened by emotional imbalance…
For those who are burdened by mistakes or failures of the past…
For those who are burdened by insecurity about the future…
For those who are burdened by doubts of any kind…
For those who are burdened by temptation…
For those who are burdened by a sense of always falling short…
For those who are burdened by estrangement from your face…
For those who are burdened by despair…

For those who are tempted to commit suicide…Shelter in the Heart of your Son.
For those who are tempted to harm themselves…
For those who are tempted to injure others…
For those who find life too hard to bear…
For those who are called to give compassion…
For all of us, invited to bear one another’s burdens…
For those who do not know your joy…
For those who do not know the peace
of sonship and daughterhood…

For those who sense a call to deeper love within them…Bring to perfection the beauty of your love within us.
For those who cannot simply find rest within your arms…
For all the intentions that I carry within my heart…
For all the intentions that you desire to be borne before you
and into which you desire to pour out your love…

Heavenly Father, God of infinite love and goodness,
I entrust all of the burdens and sufferings of our world,
and every one of my brothers and sisters,
in childlike trust, to you.
Resting against your loving breast,
I ask you to pour out ever more deeply into our hearts
the torrent of your love and mercy,
uniting us to yourself in the intimacy of love.
Through Christ our Lord.


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