The following are chapters from my book (currently in review by a couple publishers) devoted to the “reality of evangelical love,” or to poverty, obedience, and chastity. I try in this work to trace this reality back to its deepest foundation in God’s loving plan in creating us for himself, in destining us to share in the intimacy of the life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I hope you find what I have written fruitful in your relationship with our loving God!

Chapter 1. Holiness: The Heart of the New Evangelization

Chapter 2. The Drama of Human History: Innocent, Fallen, and Redeemed

Chapter 3. Original Innocence: Child, Spouse, and Parent

Chapter 4. Historical Existence: A Mystery Broken But Still Beautiful

Chapter 5. Redeemed within the Son: My Delight was in the Children of Men