New Poem: Shards of Glass

I. You have sanctified our humanity, Christ, our very body dwelling in this world, this mystery that, from the beginning, was already sacred and holy, set apart for God, and also, through his grace, manifesting the beauty of love in the midst of this creation… Read Full Text

New Poem: Integrity

I couldn’t help sharing this poem now. I’m very enthusiastic about what it seeks to express, but I also hope it’s not too “dense.” It is a kind of condensation of a lot of thought and prayer, so bear with me. Feel free to let me know if you have thoughts about how I could express things better. More on this to come! Read Full Text

The Circle and the Cross (Part 2)

I. A cross enclosed within a circle, opening-out within the embrace of sheltering arms, my God, this illumines life so much. A child in his mother’s arms, loving spontaneously because he is loved; the invitation to discipleship, touching the heart, not as a command or a task, but as a romance, a wondrous adventure, Love awakening love… Read Full Text  

Poem: The Silence of Solitude

The “silence of solitude” is a very rich term, steeped in centuries of tradition. It is a way of expressing a reality that occurs and that is sought at the heart of the eremitic/hermit life; yet I believe it is also an invitation for each and every one of us. So many people in our world–in a way, all of us–experience a profound solitude and loneliness in the center of our life, even though we Read more…

New Poem: Threefold Mystery

This is a poem about a central theme that runs throughout everything that I write. Indeed, it is simply another attempt to express what lies at the heart of my view of life: what I call the “threefold mystery” of childhood, spousehood, and paternity. This is what I have progressively discovered to be the three forms of relationship that are inscribed most deeply in our humanity and for which all of us yearn. For me, Read more…

New Lenten Reflection: The Meaning of Christian Fasting

I. When you withdraw into the desert, Christ, you refrain from food and drink, you distance yourself from the many good things of this creation, given by the hand of God. What is the purpose of this renunciation, this stepping-back and withdrawal? It is the opening up of space for a deeper reception of the gift, an expansion of the heart, inward and outward, to overflow in greater love… Read Full Text

New Meditation: The Heart of a Loving Father

As we come again to the beginning of Lent, a question we all perhaps tend to ask ourselves is: “What does God desire from me?” From my own experience and from my relations with others, it seems to me that we have an ingrained tendency to think we need to “measure up” to a standard in order to please God. And therefore Lent, rather than being a joyful time of accompanying Christ through the desert Read more…