At the Heart of the Gospel: The Love in Whom All Lines Converge


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This book is a prolonged contemplative gaze upon the central mysteries of human existence illumined from that core mystery that gives meaning to all things: the essence of all being as love and intimacy in the very likeness of the Trinity. The reflections contained here seek to sink their roots down into the foundational experiences of human existence, in its most basic origin and meaning, and thus also to stretch to the true extent of human desire and aspiration, which is fulfilled only in Christ, the Redeemer of Man. In him, who reveals to us the love of the Father by the gift of the Holy Spirit, we come to know, with awe and wonder, our true dignity, and to rejoice in this mystery before him, even as this awareness blossoms in a capacity to love and care for our brothers and sisters too. Thus it opens up the path for us to begin to see the whole of created reality bathed in the light of the relations of the Persons of the Trinity, and to live, in the whole rich fabric of our life, in the very likeness of the Love who created us for himself–the eternally blessed Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–and in whom alone our restless hearts find definitive and everlasting rest.