A Flame of God Himself: Reflections on the Song of Songs – Audiobook




I invite you to join me on an in depth journey through the greatest love poem of the Bible, and indeed of the whole of world history: the Song of Songs. This is a breathtakingly beautiful drama that occurs, not between two human hearts, but between every single human heart and the God who is passionately in love with us. In this drama, we will encounter the pain of longing for a Beloved who seems to be absent, and we will encounter the ecstatic joy of discovering that he is never far away. We will rest in the joy of his indestructible love, which cradles us without ceasing even in our darkest place, delighting in us and cherishing us in our own unique and unrepeatable beauty. And our hearts will hopefully be inflamed with an ardent longing to love the One who has so passionately loved us, drawing us to surrender ourselves to him and to enter into ever deeper intimacy with he who is “the fairest of the sons of men” (Ps 45:2), who is indeed the Beautiful One himself.

Sample Audio: