Whispers of Beauty: Original Compositions for the 16-String Lyre


Whispers of Beauty - FLAC full album
Whispers of Beauty - MP3 full album



Beauty has the capacity to touch within us some of the deepest and most tender recesses of our hearts. Yet, such touches are of the most tender and gentle nature, absent of any shouting or obtrusiveness. At times, through only the smallest whispers do we hear within ourselves the call of beauty and we are drawn to the source and summit of such a mysterious yet personal voice. It is my hope that this little lyre album whispers a word of beauty to you; beauty which our loving God speaks to us and through us at every precious moment. May our hearts be silent and still enough to receive such delicate gifts of love.

If you’re interested, please visit my home website https://atthewellspring.com/enfoldedheartmusic/ where you can find links to lyre sheet music, scripture quotes with each song for reflection, and my YouTube channel.

Many blessings to you in Christ.

Album length: 19.79 min

Individual tracks can be purchased for $1 each by clicking on the basket icon in the playlist below.