Little Flowers for God: Collected Poetry Volume II


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This, the second volume in my collected poetry, contains the content from four smaller works previously published:

Meditations on the Paschal Mystery

The Dance of Love

The Womb of the Heart

The Heart of the Heart

The latter two are in sequence with the works published in volume one, continuing the movement of my prayer and reflection over the last few years. The first two are more “objective” reflections on the central mystery of the Gospel, and of the whole of human history, little glimpses or flashes of light in the hopes of giving a taste of the beautiful landscape of salvation that God has unfolded before us, and in which, indeed, we are immersed, carried ceaselessly towards the consummation that awaits us at the end of time. The book also contains an Epilogue of my most recently written poetry, from early 2020 and early 2022.

Additional information

Weight 1.14 oz