I am happy to share a significant unfolding in what God has entrusted to me, both to make available to you its fruits now and as they continue to blossom, and also to ask for your prayers and support. Simply put: our world desperately needs beauty! The deepest poverty is not a lack of material goods, but the lack of the greatest good of all: the beauty of the truth, of God made tangible and present at the heart of human life. And it is indeed beauty above all, beauty as the voice of goodness and truth, which opens our hearts to his approach and makes him known, stirring up our desire for him who is “the most beautiful of the children of men” (Ps 45). Yes, what our world needs is not just any beauty, but evangelical beauty, the beauty of the Gospel, permeating and renewing culture from within.

In this respect, in addition to my life and my writing, I would also like to acknowledge and share that the fragrance of this nard also includes artistic creativity, specifically music and visual art. This has been, as some of you may know, a desire or intuition for years, but true fruit is never born out of our own initiative, but out of the love and gift of God poured out into human poverty.

In a new section of my website, I currently have a growing collection of visual arts for viewing and/or purchase, as well as reflections upon art, beauty, and the evangelization of the heart (i.e. purity of heart rediscovered through the encounter with true beauty).

Also, I am now releasing a Single, a song that will give a taste of a series of albums that I hope to release over time unveiling, through music, some echo of the silence of eternity that sounded in our world in the life of Christ, particularly in the Paschal Mystery of his Eucharist, Passion, and Resurrection.

You can visit the new section of the website here:

The Art of Joshua Elzner

You can listen to the song on my Bandcamp, linked at the end of this post. I release this song not only to give a glimpse of what I am working on, but also to give you the opportunity and invitation to join me in this path through your support. You are welcome to pay more for the song if you purchase it, as this will help me greatly, since creating music and art of a high quality requires resources! (Bandcamp takes a very small proportion of each purchase, so no worries there!) You are also free to purchase any of the art on the website, or simply be a patron through contacting me directly or donating through paypal.me/joshuaelzner

Please pray for me, and for all creators, as I continue to walk this path that God marks out, to continue to humbly co-create beauty as God entrusts it to me, in hopes of helping in some small way to respond to the aching thirst of our world as well as the thirst of God to make his Love known anew to the men and women of our time.


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I know that your heart yearns, little one, to create something beautiful, a testament of love, a reflection, in the dimness of this world, of the radiant beauty of my own eternal light. I know the longing within to give birth without, the desire to create, sharing in eternal creativity. I want you to know, beloved, and to feel that the greatest masterpiece which I desire for you is the unspeakable beauty which is you yourself. You, the one whom I infinitely love, are the icon, transparent to my shining glory, enfolded in my grace, a blaze of fiery light bursting through the eyes, a figure whose countenance, whose heart, whose life is a reflection of the life, the heart, the face which is my own.