• Writings on Prayer

    On Prayer: Bathed in the Light of His Face

    I have added a reflection on the invitation to seek the face of God that lies at the heart of the Gospel, the invitation to gaze into the Father’s loving countenance revealed in the face of Jesus Christ–this beatitude that lies at the heart and the summit of Jesus’ gift, which is intimacy with God, from which the other elements of the Christian life flow and to which they return.

    Bathed in the Light of His Face

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  • Contemplative Life

    Rays of the Single Light of Christ

    I have added a reflection on the “constellation” of the different vocations within the Church, and how they complement one another within the harmony of the mystical Body of Christ. This is a follow-up to the two previous meditations in the “Contemplative Life” section, though it can stand alone too–and it continues the reflection, particularly, on the contemplative vocation within the Church.

    Rays of the Single Light of Christ

  • Uncategorized

    This Journey Begins

    After feeling this “tug” for a long while to write and share more deeply about the mystery of prayer and the call to intimacy with God, and, in addition, to share about my own vision of the great importance of the contemplative and monastic vocation within the Church, I have decided to create this website.

    I already have a primary website, At the Wellspring of Childhood: Meditations from the Silence of Solitude, and there is a great deal of content available there (and ever growing). However, I wanted to create a different avenue, a different “space” in which I could express things that complement what is shared there, and yet bear their own unique contours. Above all, I am feeling called to focus more directly on offering an “education in prayer” (to use John Paul II’s words) and on the meaning of authentic “spirituality.” I have been encountering both deep desires and concrete struggles in these areas in my relationships with others, and also a degree of ignorance or misunderstanding. In response to this, I feel convicted by the Lord with the need to share what I have been given, to place myself as the service of this mystery.

    The two sites will be linked to one another, “sisters” expressing the same mystery, only from different angles. As for this one, I will post on the “Blog” when new content is added, so you are welcome to follow through WordPress (if you are connected) or through email. I will also organize the content in the menu at the top of the site, for easier access to previously added material.

    Blessings and love!

    Joshua Elzner